Two weeks down and 6 to go!
I'm happy to report that I lost 2 1/2 lbs last week, bringing me down to 211. That makes me feel pretty good, because let me tell you it's always been hard for me to lose 2 lbs during my first 1500 calorie week after losing 3-5 during my 1200 calorie week. I cheated just a little... I ate a little less than half of a pumpkin spice donut from the bakery down the street. I would have eaten the whole thing, but I told my husband the night before that I was only going to eat half of it ( I ended up giving a few bites to my 1 year old even) and when I went to find the other half an hour later he had eaten it. Way to take one for the team I guess.
Just now I listened to the Take Shape for Life client support call from last week, and they really emphasized the importance and the successes of eating 6 small meals a day. The Curves plan has 5 meals a day, but I eat 6 because I need something before I work out in the morning and I don't want my whole breakfast that early. Usually I go for a granola bar or greek yogurt. I have to eat something sweet before I eat anything else or I'll feel sick. Anyway, I learned that in studies, those who eat 6 meals a day, rather than the same calorie count but only 3 meals a day lose more weight. Eating 6 meals a day that are protein/carb balanced keeps you full and happy because it helps to stabilize blood sugar and keep your cravings under control so you are in a good mood all day. I have noticed that this works for me. Eating 6 meals a day is a healthy life habit, it's not just what you should do when you are losing weight. My whole family needs to eat this way forever.
I'm going to try to do better at blogging during the magical hours from about 10:30 to noon when both my babies are sleeping :) I really do have a lot to blog about, and it kind of overwhelms me so I don't know where to start.
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