This definitely has the potential of turning into a whine-y post, so proceed with caution.
This is the first year I have really felt the full inconvenience of winter. And yes, I know that winter doesn't actually start for another week. This is going to be the longest 4 months of my life to date. Why? Well, because it's cold outside. To start at the beginning, my car is not especially reliable in the cold. Every day last week when I got up at 6:30am to drive to Curves, it's been below 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Monday the car wouldn't start. It's a good little car. It tried. Every day after that my husband has gone out to start it for me so that it will be a little warm by the time I leave. I have an awesome husband who has pretty much always felt the full inconvenience of winter.
Next, it's hard enough to "just leave the house" with kids when I don't have to bundle them up. When I do have to bundle them up it takes FOREVER. So basically I don't leave the house. Last year that was no big deal. I was pregnant and baby #1 wasn't mobile. She didn't care about being cooped up in the house all day. This year she is not happy about it at all. Also, our apartment is on the third floor. That was ok for a few weeks... but now that it has snowed I can't let my 1 year old climb the stairs on her own anymore. Late afternoon walks used to save my day, and they are out of the question at the moment.
You may have guessed that my motivation to be completely healthy has gone down hill pretty far since the challenge ended. I haven't gained weight, but I'm not being as watchful as I should at this point. To be honest... a lot of that has to do with the lack of fresh food in my house. It's hard to be healthy as the wife of a poor college student.
But I am still working out M-F when my car starts. And when it's not snowing. Our snow tires are still in Idaho.
So yeah, lots of excuses, lots of whining. And lots of feeling yucky because there aren't enough vegetables in my diet. Or even fruit. It's sad. Winter is hard. But don't give up on me. I haven't quite given up yet.
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