Thursday, January 23, 2014

Favorite Lunch: Creamy Chicken Salad Wrap

I just wanted to check in really quick and share one of my favorite healthy lunches.

Creamy Chicken Salad Wrap

4oz diced chicken breast (I cook a bunch in the crock pot and use it daily til it's gone)
1/4 c cottage cheese
diced cucumbers
1 tbsp ranch seasoning (so like 1/2 the packet)

Mix it all together and serve on a whole wheat tortilla with a slice of provolone if you want. I don't really like cottage cheese by itself (or with fruit... yuck) but with ranch it's great!

The recipe in the Curves book says I can eat it on two slices of wheat bread, but I like it way better as a wrap. Also, I think I'm going to throw in some chopped onion next time.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Jillian Michaels

As I mentioned in my last post, Curves has teamed up with Jillian Michaels starting this year. So as I'm going around the circuit, Jillian is up on the big screen and I follow her moves between machines. It's definitely a lot more intense than jogging in place on a recovery board, which is what I usually do. Suddenly the machines are my recovery from Jillian. My Curves coach said the idea is to work at about 50% of my normal pace on the machines on the days I'm doing the Jillian workout.

Over the last week I have completed 3 full Jillian workouts. My heart rate is definitely through the roof, just like she wants it to be. And I really feel like I've accomplished something when I'm done. I thought I felt like that at the end of all my workouts last year. This is a whole new level of accomplishment. My whole body feels it, but it's getting used to the workload already. I'm not nearly as sore as I was last week. We'll see if I can say that tomorrow though, as today is Monday and I had a whole weekend to recover.

Lots of the ladies I work out with were worried that they would hate this, because it's Jillian Michaels. Yes, she has a very strong, intense, in your face personality. But you know, I wonder if she's like that all the time. I've only ever seen her on the job. I'm a little afraid of her but she is exactly what I need. I have been impressed to see pretty much everyone at Curves at least giving her workout a try, even though the average age for the 7am group is probably 60. I would love to know when the "moms" work out. Maybe I'm more special than I think I am.

As far as the results go, I lost 3 lbs last week! I'm down to 196.5, and feel like I'm off to a great start for the new year.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Time to begin again... again.

Happy New Year!!!!!!

So it's been six or seven weeks since my last blog post. I'm happy to report that I maintained my weight over the holidays. Heck, I even lost a pound. But I have to confess that it was not because I tried. I did not even pretend to try. I was in fact completely surprised when I stepped on the Curves scale for the first time in over 6 weeks and saw that I had lost a pound. I wish I could look back and say, "Hmm, maybe I didn't eat so badly afterall", but that would be a lie. My little family and I spent the holidays at my parents house, and Santa went a little overboard with our Christmas stockings. Apparently he was challenging himself to literally fill the stockings my mom picked out for her fireplace, and they are really big.

So I have a few healthy goals for this year. I'm dead set on losing 50 lbs. We'll see what happens after that. It would be nice if I could lose most of it before summer starts, but I think that's probably pushing it. But my goal for summer is to fit into my summer clothes. They are size 12s. That's only one dress size away and a totally reasonable goal. Two healthy foods I want to try for the first time and use in all sorts of recipes are quinoa and spaghetti squash. Also, I would like to finish the new Curves workout without feeling like I'm going to DIE. They are doing this new thing where we do a Jillian Michaels workout on the recovery stations between machines. Suddenly I feel like the machines are my recovery from the recovery station. I did the whole thing this morning. My heart rate was through the roof. I'm telling myself that it will be better when I can breathe through my nose again, but I think I'll stick with my smart tag tomorrow.

That's all for now. Another goal I have is to keep my blog updated, so you'll hear from me soon!